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Book your unforgettable trip
to Tuscany, Chianti
Availability calendar
We rent our accommodation
always on a weekly basis, Saturday to Saturday.
We have capacities for up to 14 people.
Weekly prices
season 14 guests 12 guests 8 guests 4 guests 3 guests
08/01/22 - 09/04/22
09/04/22 - 23/04/22
23/04/22 - 30/04/22
30/04/22 - 25/06/22
25/06/22 - 03/09/22
03/09/22 - 24/09/22
24/09/22 - 17/12/22
17/12/22 - 07/01/22
5300.00 4600.00
6800.00 5900.00
5300.00 4600.00
6000.00 5200.00
6800.00 5900.00
6000.00 5200.00
5300.00 4600.00
6800.00 5900.00
1600, -
1600, -
1900, -
1900, -
1600, -
2800,- 1900, -
3800,- 2800,-
2800,- 1900, -
3200,- 2300,-
3800,- 2800,-
3200,- 2300,-
2800,- 1900, -
3800,- 2600,-
These units can only be booked 8 weeks or less in advance. Rental weekly, saturday to saturday
* all prices in EUR
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